Wednesday, 29 January 2014


First of all, thank you for accessing this blog. 
The idea of this page is to unite a few texts and pieces related to History studies. 
Here you may find book and movie reviews, informative works and discussions about different topics.

As a side note regarding the title of this blog, it is not totally related to the movie "Eternal Shine of the Spotless Mind", as some have asked me. I certainly find the title of the movie very interesting, and it has somehow inspired me, but the idea behind this is that there is always an eternal shine on the Historic perspective of facts and thoughts that should never fade. In the film, the main characters want to erase their memories, while here we try the hardest to recover the amount of information available and expand it.

Here is my little attempt to transmit my work to you and open discussions about several topics that have somehow originated the world we live in nowadays. I hope it can make a difference and open minds for different points of view.



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